Our School

 Mission Statement

St Austin's is like a star where the light inside
each one of us shines brightly.
As a team, we support, value and respect each other.
As a family, we use our talents to be the best that we can be;
following the path of Jesus
as we:-

Grow In Faith Together 

Our Aims


To teach every child the subjects of the National Curriculum.

To help every child reach the highest possible level of achievement.

To develop and celebrate the varied talents of all children and adults in the school.

To introduce children to the world around them and to the variety of human experience.

To introduce children to other countries and other cultures by teaching and by direct contact when possible.

To value every person - child or adult - in the community of the school.

To be fair, honest and open in everything we do.

To give an example of Christian living by what we say and by what we do.


To teach Religious Education thoroughly to every child, since this is the foundation of the entire educational system.

To take part in preparing children to receive the Sacraments of Communion and Confession.

To introduce children to the practice of prayer and especially to the Holy Mass.

To celebrate the feasts of the Church's year with Masses, assemblies and other services.

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