School Governors

On the 21st July 2014 the school achieved 'Governormark' accreditation.

Role of School Governor

What do School Governors do?

Governors work as a team to:
•promote high standards of educational attainment at their school
•set targets for pupil achievement
•take general responsibility for the conduct of the school
•manage the school's budget , including deciding how many staff will work there
•make sure that the National Curriculum is delivered via a broad and balanced provision
•report on pupils' achievement in National Curriculum assessments and examination results
•act as a 'critical friend' to the school
•be prepared to undertake training and develop their role
•participate in the appointment of senior staff (including appointing the Head Teacher) and regulate staff conduct and discipline ; and
•draw up an action plan after an inspection by the Office of Standards in Education (OfSTED)

Why do Schools Need Governors?

Every school has a Governing Body to represent the local community - "the stakeholders" in the running of our schools. School Governors bring external support perspectives from ordinary life and the staff, and the Local Authority to help secure the best possible education for the children in the school. They have important responsibilites like managing the school budget, overseeing the curriculum and appointing staff.

How are Governors elected?

Foundation Governors are appointed through the Archdiocese.  Parent Governors are appointed by Parent Governor Election through the school as and when a vacancy arises.  LEA Governors are appointed through the Local Authority via a Panel and recommendation.  Staff Governors are appointed via staff election at the school.

Our School Governing Body

School Governing Body

Chairperson: Mr M Burke - Chair of all committees/Data Protection Officer

Vice Chair: Kevin Crooks

Headteacher: Mrs P Wade

Foundation Governors: Mr Kerr
Mr Bielby
Deacon K Taylor
Mr Crooks
Mrs Hampson - Link Governor Safeguarding

Elected Parent 
Governors  Mrs G Oakdene
Ms E Hampson

LA Governor - Mr Gary Anders

Elected Staff Governor Mrs Rogan

Clerk to the Governors - Governor Services

Please contact Clerk for further enquiries regarding contact or vacancies of the Governing Body.

The next Full Governing Body Meeting provisional date is October 2024.

Governors complete a declaration of interest at each Governing Body meeting of which there are 6 per academic year.  There are no business or financial interests noted or governance roles in other schools.

Governors'  Term of Office and attendance for Academic Year 2022/23:

*wef 23rd March 2020 Governors adopted a Terms of Reference for a single FGB meeting 6 times per year.

Governor Category of Governor *Committee Term of Office Register of Business Interest Attendance to relevant committees 2022/23
Mrs Patsy Wade Headteacher All committees n/a Nil Attended all meetings
Mr Brian Bielby Foundation Governor All committees 01.09.22 - 31.08.26 Nil Attended 5 meetings
Ms Emma  Hampson Parent  All Committees 15-05.19 - 19.05.23 Nil Attended all meetings
Mr Michael Burke Chair  All Committees 15.02.17 - 19.5.23 Nil Attended all meetings
Mrs Kevin Crooks Vice Chair All Committees 15.05.19 - 19.05.23 Nil Attended all meetings
Mr Ian Kerr Foundation All Committees 01.09.22 - 31.08.26 Nil Attended 7 meetings
Deacon Taylor Foundation All Committees

01.09.22 - 31.08.26

Nil Attended 6 meetings

Mr Gary Anders

Mrs Helen Duvall





All committees      wef 01.9.21                                   

All committees


01.09.18-11.011.22 Nil Attended all meetings

Mrs D Neal

Foundation  Curriculum 01.09.22-31.08.26 Nil


Attended 6 meetings



Remit of the Governing Body and Committees


The Governing Body is the strategic lead of the school and has a vital role to play to ensure

every child has the best possible education.


Governors govern rather than manage. They provide direction and focus by performing a vital strategic role.


The Governing Body key roles are:


To provide strategic direction for the school. For example, through the development and

participation in the School Development Plan.

To act as a critical friend to the Headteacher. For example, responding to the

Headteacher’s Report, providing question and challenge through monitoring of the

School Development Plan.

To ensure accountability. For example, through agreeing and monitoring the budget and

monitoring standards and progress in achievement.


Specifically, the Governing Body:


Is accountable for the performance of the school

Helps shape the school’s future direction

Monitors and reviews the performance of the school

Makes decisions about the school’s budget and staffing

Makes sure the school provides for all its pupils, including those with special needs

Is at the heart of how a school operates

Is responsible for how the school is performing. We have to be prepared to

support and challenge the Headteacher by gathering views, asking questions and deciding

what’s best for our pupils.

Undertakes our own training needs analysis to ensure we stay up to date with training programmes to provide the very best support we can for the school.

Is made up of volunteers, with members representing a range of

interests and professions. As such we aim to provide a representative group of the local





Governing Bodies are formally required to deal with Committees using a whole range of Regulations and Statutory Instruments. The ever growing pressure and complexity of business has made it essential for Governing Bodies to discharge their increased responsibilities.

The effective use of Committees ensure good working practices and the Government wants to enable Governing Bodies to choose ways of working that suit them and the school best so that they can carry out their functions most effectively and help their school improve further.

The Governing Body will not have any Committees (with the exception of statutory committees for specific purpose) but will assign a focus to each of the FGB meetings to ensure that the business formerly undertaken by Committees is addressed.





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