British Values
British Values Statement
As a Catholic school our ethos is to uphold the values of the Gospel including: respect for each individual; trust in God; honesty; compassion; forgiveness; mercy; sense of community; democracy; tolerance and inclusiveness. These values are embedded in all that we teach and are promoted in all of our interactions with others in the school and the wider community.
We are guided by our mission statement: Grow In Faith Together. Great emphasis is placed on the individual reaching their full potential through faith in God, faith in their friends and family and faith in their own ability. Together we support and value each other regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and political or financial status.
We also seek to lay the foundations for our pupils’ future lives, preparing them for the diverse and dynamic society in which they live and work and to engender a sense of pride in their community and country. An understanding of British values is a critical part of this education.
Actively promoting the values means challenging opinions or behaviours in school that are contrary to these values, which are:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance
Many of these values are embedded within our Catholic ethos and mission but in addition they are promoted in the teaching of the curriculum and in our commitment to serving our school and wider communities.
The examples that follow show some of the ways in which St Austin’s R.C. Primary School regularly reinforces British Values:
- An active school council
- Elections for responsible positions- Head boy/girl/sports captains/heads of houses
- Pupil questionnaires and interviews
- Remembrance assemblies to remember those who died to maintain and uphold our values
- Themed assemblies
- Voting/ opinions sought in school competitions
- Hot seating (judicial system) in History sessions
- Visits to the town hall/ St George’s Hall
- In class debates with voting systems
The rule of Law
- Clear behaviour management policy in place
- Class and school rules written by pupils
- Visits from Police, NSPCC, Fire Brigade
- Reinforced through assemblies
- Highlight rules of the Church in R.E. (Catholic and other Faiths) e.g. Ten Commandments
Individual Liberty
- Policies to support personal freedom and rights such as e-safety policy, anti-bullying policy and PSHE policy
- Views fed through school council
- Worry Box opened each week in assembly/ answered and supported by Year 6 pupils
- All year around fund raising events to support charities
- Circle time / assemblies led by pupils and staff
- Older pupils supporting younger in lunchtime reading sessions
Mutual Respect
- Having a school ethos which is built on positive relationships and support and respect for one another
- Reinforcement of the value of everyone’s opinions in class debates
- Working within a network of 7 schools and celebrating successes (WC7)
- Effective anti-bullying policy
- Gospel values based on “Love one another” reinforced in assemblies and school rules
- Reinforced in PSHE and R.E. lessons
- Inter school sports competitions
- Links with schools in China, Spain etc and projects undertaken and shared
- Fund raising
- Held International schools award since 1999
- Links with China, France, Spain
- Two members of staff visited China and Chinese delegates visited St Austin’s three times - sharing and celebrating different cultures
- Through themed assemblies e.g. Chinese New Year
- Through International themed weeks which celebrate differences
- Study of different faiths in R.E
- Have taken part in “Meet your Muslim neighbour campaign” and take part in Mothers’ Day card making competition to celebrate mums in all faiths (led by Muslim community)
- Global Learning Projects across the School
- Celebration of difference e.g. anti-bullying
At St Austin’s R.C. Primary School we have a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral and cultural development of pupils and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.
We encourage pupils to understand their place within a culturally diverse society and above all to leave St Austin’s with a set of values which will ensure they will contribute positively to society in the future.