
Every Day Counts

With effect from 1st September 2013, amendments have been made to the Education Regulations governing school attendance.  The amendments make clear that headteachers may not grant leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Regular school attendance is vital to ensure that our children maximise the educational opportunities available.  School can no longer grant leave of absence for holidays during term time.  If you take your child on holiday during term time you risk getting a Penalty Notice fine.  Families taking holidays in term time have a significant impact on attendance figures.  Therefore, your co-operation in this matter is appreciated.

We monitor and offer support to our most vulnerable families to improve their attendance further.  During the past acdemic years we have provided support to families to maintain or increase their child's attendance.  

Attendance incentives include; Weekly Class Certificates;  Awards Evening; extra play

With your continued support we will continue to improve attendance and ask that you adhere to the following procedures:-

  1. 1. Please contact school on the first day of absence.   There is a messaging service in place for you to leave a pupil absence message. If we do not receive a call from you the school will contact you as part of 'first day response'. Tel: 01744 678000
    2. Please send a letter addressed to your child's teacher when they return to school stating the reason for absence.
    3. Please make routine or non-urgent medical appointments after school or during school holidays.
    4. Please ensure your child arrives at school in time for registration. If your child arrives late this will generate a late mark and this also disturbs lessons which have already started.

Spring 23-24.png




in Autumn term 2023-24 term our whole school attendance was 94.6%. Y1-Y6 was  94.3%. Our school attendance target of 96%.  


Class Attendance for week ending 23.7.24:-

Reception - 96.4%

Y1 - 96.5%

Y2 - 93%

Y3 - 94%

Y4 - 95.2%

Y5 - 95%

Y6 - 94.7%

This week's winners from Reception and KS1 is Y1 class 96.5%

This week's KS2 winners  - Y4 - 95%

This week's overall attendance figure is 94.6% whole school and 94.2% for Y1 to Y6.

Our attendance target is 96% -  thank you for your support!

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