Year 6 2024 - 2025

Miss Smith

Autumn Term 2024

Welcome to Year 6!  Get ready for a fun year of learning!  We will be studying so many different things that I cannot possibly name them all, but here are just a few: WW2, the geography of South America, Earth and Space and so much more!


             Please see the files below for our Autumn Timetable!     


This term, we will be reading  The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.  This is one of my favourite books and the book I reas when I was in Year 6. We will be completing comprehension based tasks aroung this text and reading it daily. 
In writing, we will be looking at a text called Star of Fear, Star of Hope 
by Jo Hoestland.  This is an emotional book based around a family living in France during the Nazi occupation. This text links perfectly with our History and Geography topics coming up. We will be covering setting descriptions, ketter writing and diary extracts whilst using this text. 


In maths, our topic this half term is Place Value. We will be working with numbers up to 1 000 000. We will also continue to progress with our ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide large numbers.  This will include our ability to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000.  Building on our excellent knowledge of the times table facts, we will be practising our quick recall of all of the facts to 12 x 12. Throughout the term, we will be using our mathematical skills to solve word problems.


This term, in Science, we will be looking in depth at living things and the classification of animals and plants. We will be particularly focusing on Carl Linnaeus and rhe research behind his book, Systema Naturae. 
As Year 6 is a  SAT's year, we will also be completing assessments regualrly. I will be holding a meeting regarding the SAT's this half term. A date will go out to parents soon. 
Other curriculum areas
History - Slavery- Windrush
Geography - Islands- We are looking at how different types of islands have been formed and comparing the earth now to Pangea. 
RE - Our Come and See topics for this term are Families, Commitment and Expectations. 
Spanish - This term, we will be learning the vocabulary related to our family members including how to describe their facial features.   As we approach Christmas, we will be learning vocabulary and songs that will form part of our Spanish Nativity! 
Music - Using our Charanga scheme, we will be learning about rhythm, melody and notation through songs. 
Art - This term, we will be working on creating island models. We will use or geographical skills to develop an island with the correct features. 
Design and Technology - This half term, we will be building structures. We will be developing our own school as well as a Gingerbread House closer to Christmas. 
PE - Throughout the term, we will be enjoying perfecting our invasion skills by playing tag rugby and basketball. The children have swimming on a Monday morning and PE on a Wednesday morning. Please ensure your child brings thier kit with them. 
Computing - This term, we will be learning more about Data handling and statistics. 
PSHE - This term, we will be learning about how we can improve our mental health and wellbeing as well as destressing and learning to focus. 


Reading comprehension, spellings and mathematics homework will be set each Friday. This homework is due in by the following Thursday, when it will be checked. In mathematics and grammar, you will be set an online homework through ‘Century’ – please ask me if you have forgotten your usrename and password.  Each week, if you have completed and remembered to bring in your homework, you will be rewarded with Dojos.  However, if you do not complete your homework, you will be required to complete it during homework club. 

In addition, it would be a great idea to use Times Table Rock Stars to maintain the excellent knoweldge that you have gained throughout KS2. 

Reading books need to be in school every day.  Please have your reading record signed each day so that we can make sure that you are reading regularly. You should aim to read between 20 and 30 minutes a night during the week, and at least once over the weekend.  Book quizzes may be completed at home or in school.  If you are using the app at home, then you need to access our school's designated page:


If you are struggling to access this at home please do let me know.



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