Home Learning English

Hello everyone! 

This is our Home Learning page for English. Each week I will show you some work for you to complete. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the latest work. 

4.5.20 - 8.5.20

This week we are reading and writing about the story of St George and the Dragon.

If you go to the Oak National Academy website you will find these lessons.

Lesson 1 St George and the Dragon

Lesson 2 To commit a story to memory

Lesson 3 To describe a character's appearance

Lesson 4 To describe a character's personality

Lesson 5 To write a character description

There are also phonics and grammar activities on the BBC Homeschool website.

11.5.20 - 15.5.20

This week we are learning to write a story. We will begin our writing ths week and complete it next week. If you go to Oak National Academy the lessons are as follows:

Lesson 1: Katie in London

Lesson 2: To commit a story to memory.

Lesson 3: To use capital letters for proper nouns.

Lesson 4: To begin to write our story.

To continue to write our story.



This week we are continuing to learn about writing a story. If you go to the Oak national Academy the lessons are as follows:

Lesson 6: The Tiger who came to tea

Lesson 7: To commit a story to memory

Lesson 8: To understand how to identify and write questions

Lesson 9: To start to write our story

Lesson 10: To write the end of our story



This week we will focus on building a character description. If you go to the Oak national Academy the lessons are as follows:


Lesson 1: Saint George and the Dragon

Lesson 2: To commit a story to memory.

Lesson 3: To describe a character's appearance

Lesson 4: To describe a character's personality 

Lesson 5: To write a character description 


This week we will be learning about information texts. If you go to the Oak national Academy the lessons are as follows:


Lesson 1: Terrifying T-Rex https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/terrifying-t-rex

Lesson 2: To commit an information text to memory https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-commit-an-information-text-to-memory

Lesson 3: To understand how to use the past tense https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-understand-how-to-use-the-past-tense

Lesson 4: To start to write our information text https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-start-to-write-our-information-text

Lesson 5: To continue to write our information text https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-continue-to-write-out-information-text

Week beginning 15.6.20

This week we will be learning about poetry. If you go to the Oak national Academy the lessons are as follows:


Lesson 1: To listen to a poem https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-listen-to-a-poem/

Lesson 2: To identify rhyming words https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-identify-rhyming-words/

Lesson 3: To identify onomatopoeia https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-identify-onomatopoeia/

Lesson 4: To plan our poem https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-plan-our-poem/

Lesson 5: To write our poem https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-write-our-poem/

Week beginning 22.6.20

This week you will hear and learn the story, A Very Noisy Night by Diane Henry. Click the links below to head to the Oak national Academy lesson:


Lesson 1: To listen to a story (click here)

Lesson 2: To commit a story to memory (click here)

Lesson 3: To use exclamation marks (click here

Lesson 4: To begin to write a story (click here

Lesson 5: To continue to write a story (click here


Week beginning 29.6.20

This week you will be using lessons from BBC Bitesize.  Click the links below to head to the lessons:


Lesson 1: Graphemes (click here)

Lesson 2: Capital letters and days of the week (click here)

Lesson 3: Using long ladder letters in writing (click here

Lesson 4: Describing words in adverts (click here

Lesson 5: Bitesize daily book club: Spike the Hedgehog Who Lost His Prickles by Jeanne Willis (click here


Week beginning 6.7.20

This week you will be using lessons from BBC Bitesize.  Click the links below to head to the lessons:

Lesson 1: Using verbs (click here)

Lesson 2: Comprehension (click here)

Lesson 3: National Writing Day Challenge (click here

Lesson 4: One-armed robot letters (click here

Lesson 5: Bitesize daily book club: Ella Bella Ballerina and a Midsummer Night’s Dream by James Mayhew (click here


Week beginning 13.7.20

This week you will be using lessons from BBC Bitesize.  Click the links below to head to the lessons:

Lesson 1: Practising sight words and writing questions (click here)

Lesson 2: Write your own counting poem (click here)

Lesson 3: Curly caterpillar letters and exclamation marks (click here

Lesson 4: Alphabetical order (click here

Lesson 5: Bitesize daily book club: George’s Marvellous Medicine (click here